Understanding Callback Functions in JavaScript: The Basics of Async Programming

Understanding Callback Functions in JavaScript: The Basics of Async Programming


3 min read


Programming often requires handling time-intensive tasks like API calls or database queries. In synchronous programming, these tasks block execution, increasing latency. Asynchronous programming solves this by running such tasks in the background while the rest of the code executes.

JavaScript, being single-threaded, uses callback functions to achieve asynchrony. However, callbacks introduce challenges like "Callback Hell" (nested, unreadable code) and "Inversion of Control" (loss of control over function execution).

This article explores how asynchronous programming works in JavaScript, the role of callbacks, and their limitations, paving the way for advanced solutions like promises.

Asynchronous Programming

In programming, generally the code gets executed line by line, sequentially. This is called Synchronous programming. And this works, mostly. But some tasks can take an indefinite amount of time for completion like an API call to a backend server or a database query. For such tasks, a ‘synchronous program’ will be put on hold until the Api call gets completed, increasing the latency in the code. Enter the Asynchronous programming. In Asynchronous programming, such time-taking tasks run in background while the rest of the code runs as is. This saves a lot of time, reducing the latency.

Callback Functions

JavaScript being a single threaded synchronous language, inherently makes it difficult to run tasks asynchronously. So, We use Callback functions to make this possible. Callback functions are functions that are passed as arguments to a different function. This outer function then gets the control over when and how to invoke that callback function, making it possible to run tasks asynchronously.

JS stores all the callback function calls in Heap memory instead of the call stack where all the synchronous function calls get stored. A callback function gets transferred to a third memory location called Callback Queue, when it is ready to be executed. It gets executed only when the call stack is empty.

function fetchData() {
  // This Simulates a delay
  for (let i = 0; i < 1e9; i++) {}
  console.log("Data fetched!");

fetchData(); // This blocks the execution


Data fetched!
function fetchData(callback) {
  console.log("Fetching data...");
  setTimeout(function() {
    console.log("Data fetched!");
  }, 2000); // This Simulates a delay of 2 seconds

fetchData(function() {
  console.log("Process complete!");


Fetching data...
Data fetched!
Process complete!

Problems with Callback functions

While discussing callback functions, It is essential to talk about two major limitations of them.

  1. Callback Hell: Often many callback functions are required to be chained one after another. But as the number of callback functions increases, the code appears to grow sideways in the IDEs. Progressively making the code ugly, less readable, and less maintainable. This is called Callback Hell.

  console.log("Fetching user data...");
  setTimeout(function() {
    console.log("Validating user data...");
    setTimeout(function() {
      console.log("Saving user data...");
      setTimeout(function() {
        console.log("User data saved successfully!");
      }, 1000);
    }, 1000);
  }, 1000);
}, 1000);

  1. Inversion of Control: As discussed previously, when we pass the callback function to another function, we transfer its invocation control to the outer function. Now we are at the mercy of the programmer writing the outer function, on how and when they want to invoke the callback function. This is called Inversion of Control.


Asynchronous programming is essential for managing time-intensive tasks without blocking the execution flow, especially in a language like JavaScript. Callback functions play a crucial role in enabling asynchrony but come with challenges like Callback Hell and Inversion of Control, which can affect code readability and maintainability.

While callbacks are a foundational concept, they are not without their drawbacks. Modern solutions like promises and async/await provide more elegant ways to handle asynchronous code, making it cleaner and more manageable.